Updated 9th December 2001
Created 16th May 2000

Now all samples in three .ZIP files!

This page was created to provide samples from the synth "Bit99" (analog synth produced 1984-1986) to the web users.

Here is the list of the samples (you may use these freely in free or commercial music, though you are not allowed to sell these sample in their "raw" form)

These sounds were converted into MP3 to speed up uploads and downloads while maintening a good sound quality (resolution 128Kbps/44khz). However, you, the users, will be shaping this site by requesting samples, other formats (WAV, tracker formats and others), visual enhencements, etc. This page needs your feedback  in order to suit the needs of the people who come here.

Selection of  various "patches" (file sizes between 20k to 350k, total size of the whole set ~3Mb):



Independent Files (same as in the ZIPs):
\mp3\09_c2_hi.mp3 - 343k
\mp3\09_c2_lo.mp3 - 318k

Also you can request more samples like those above. Just send me the name of the link. (Note that file finishing by "na" can't have resonance modified... it would be useles...)

(C) 2000 Copyright Telmo J. Portela
All rights reserved

Disclaimer: I don't take any responsability for any damage resulting from the use of this page or its contents. No waranties of any kind. Use at your own risk.